A L I S O N K N I T S . D I A R Y L A N D . C O M

Ready to collapse. || April 16, 2003 ||3:22 pm

It's 80 degrees outside and I'm getting a cold. What's up with that? And tomorrow it's supposed to be in the 40's. Maybe the schizophrenic weather has comprimised my immune system. Someone in my office called the weather "menopausal." I think it's an apt description!

No photos today, I'm sorry to say. I do plan on finishing the Aurora beret tonight, though. Wish me luck! I'm working late at the church because we're having a Passover seder. Yes, you read it right; we're having a seder at a church. Such are the joys of being Unitarian Universalist - we celebrate Passover and Easter, since there are so many interfaith couples here, and people from diverse religious backgrounds. I've never been to a seder before, but I don't know how much of this one I'll experience because I got roped into doing childcare. The kids better be well-behaved or I'll sneeze on them.

So tomorrow I'm back at the store, and I have very little to show for my week. I haven't written the patterns yet for all the hats (which I really need to do so she'll pay me for them), and I have to try and fix one of the scarves. Plus I was supposed to make a scarf to go with the grey Fair Isle Margrite hat (pic below). I'm *this close* to burning out....

Maybe I'll stay home for Easter instead of seeing my family. Man do I need a day off.

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Happy Tax Day || April 15, 2003 ||12:37 pm

Guess who still hasn't finished her taxes? Yes, folks, I'm the queen of procrastination. This year it's not all my fault. I was planning on doing them the week I was home not talking, but Scott didn't bring home his paperwork. (This is the first year we're married, so I'm not used to accomodating someone else's procrastination as well as my own.)

I'm trying to include a picture with every entry. Here's today's:

I made this hat at a conference this weekend out of Karabella's not-yet-available 100% cashmere yarn. It's yummy! And bulky - zoomed off my size 10 needles. Sorry the pic's not so great; I took it myself at arm's length.

Working on another beret out of 2 colors of Aurora; should be able to finish that quickly. Also I started knitting a lace doily for some reason. It will be pretty and I'm enjoying it... and I have no idea why I'm making a doily. But I think I've been needing some pointless knitting! Plus I think it's fun to make grandma-esque things on tiny needles to counteract the whole "knitting is hip" thing.

Not much done on Hank this week; for some reason I just haven't been in the mood.

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You want pictures? We got pictures! || April 10, 2003 ||11:43 pm

Thanks to everyone who wrote me comments! I'm so glad I finally got that going. I plan to make more improvements to the blog as soon as I can find the time.

And to those who want more pictures - I agree with you about that, and just to show how much I care, this entry will be chock full o' pictures!

Here's where I am with Hank8:

I finally finished a whole chart repeat!

And here are some of the things that have been preventing me from working on Hank:

The hats are coming along. From top to bottom, one in Margrite that I designed a couple months ago and almost ruined -finally finished salvaging it. Next is one I made almost entirely today at work (slow day at the store) in Butterfly and Aurora. I'm going to add a couple rows of the blue Aurora on the bottom. And finally a beret that I made last week, to which I added a little bit of I-cord today.

I wonder how many more I'll end up doing? I think there are about 9 so far, but I need to cover some of the other Karabella yarns. And I want to get my hands on the new ones they're bringing in - I hear there's going to be a cashmere.

Keep those comments coming!

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Leave me a note! || April 09, 2003 ||2:21 pm

I've added comments to my blog! This is exciting and has the potential to prove to me that someone's actually reading this. Um, not that I need validation or anything. Right.

I've finished a hat last night, except for weaving ends. I'll try to remember to take a pic before I drop it off at work tomorrow. It's a pretty simple hat, but cute I think - a roll-brim cap with red and camel random-lengthed stripes. It's a little big, even for my big head, but whatever. When I write the directions I'll make it smaller.

Next hat is with Karabella Butterfly, a fuzzy variegated (read: trendy and non-traditional, and therefore not my top choice of yarns to work with) yarn. However, despite my misgivings, I figured out something to do with it that I will probably enjoy. And I picked a color of Aurora that will pick up the little bits of blue in this otherwise brown and gold yarn, so I think that will be very pretty as the top of the hat.

Sadly, I've not worked a stitch on Hank8 since Sunday night. I guess that's okay - this is why I started my dad's Christmas present in March. Soon I hope to be back down to a reasonable number of projects.

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