
vanessa - 2003-04-11 06:28:07
your henry is beautiful! can i ask if you work in a yarn shop? if it's listed somewhere on your blog, i'm sorry for not seeing it!
Alison - 2003-04-11 09:00:23
Thanks, Vanessa! I work at School Products in NYC part-time. It's a great place, very unusual. We sell a lot of mill ends on cones in addition to regular commercial yarns, and the family that owns the store also owns Karabella. So it's a great place for me to learn about the industry and designing!
Lisa - 2003-04-11 09:14:50
Hey, Alison! It's so nice to "see" you again! I love the Magrite hat and the beret. Very nice.
Emma Magnago-Prime - 2003-04-11 17:50:10
Henry looks fantastic. The hats are nice too .It must be harf not being able to work on Henry when you want to .
Alissa - 2003-04-11 21:08:59
I really like the hats. What technique did you use to get the braid effect on that first one? Love Hank!
Alissa - 2003-04-11 21:09:15
I really like the hats. What technique did you use to get the braid effect on that first one? Love Hank!
Alison - 2003-04-12 22:36:26
The braid is a technique I've seen in a few places, which I first learned from Anna Zilbourg's book 45 Fine & Fanciful Hats to Knit. She explains it very well - the basic idea is that you're working on the wrong side, knitting with alternating colors, and twisting the 2 colors around eachother with each stitch. It's easy to do, but difficult to explain! Glad you like the hats :-)
Melissa - 2003-04-14 06:23:37
I especially like the top hat and how the "braid" looks with the two colors.

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